- Advanced Uninstaller Pro Review
- Advanced Uninstaller Pro Download Windows 10
- Advanced Uninstaller Pro Download
- Advanced Uninstaller Pro Safe
Resorting to a third-party tool aimed at performing a complete software removal is the logical step. We have reviewed a lot of uninstallers in the past, such as IObit Uninstaller, Smarty Uninstaller, Revo Uninstaller Pro and Free Uninstall It. This time we're taking a look at Advanced Uninstaller PRO, since its extensive range of features has caught our attention.
Installation and interface
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely. It is the perfect tool for uninstalling programs, speeding up your PC, protecting your privacy and removing all the obnoxious toolbars and browser hijackers that other cleaning tools don’t detect and remove. Advanced Uninstaller Pro can be used only with their other product 'Daily Health Check'. So this uninstaller also installs the trial version of 'Daily Health Check' together with itself. When the trial period of this product finishes, uninstaller begins continuously showing of 'Daily Health Check' ads which asks for buying it again. A way to delete Advanced Uninstaller PRO - Version 11 from your computer with Advanced Uninstaller PRO Advanced Uninstaller PRO - Version 11 is a program marketed by Innovative Solutions. Sometimes, people want to uninstall it. This is difficult because removing this manually takes some experience regarding removing Windows programs manually.
The software utility is unwrapped pretty quickly. The only notable aspect about it is that, since it is ad-supported, Advanced Uninstaller PRO offers to download and install third-party components that it does not actually need to work properly. The offers can be declined, though, while the IO language can be set at the end of the setup.As far as the interface is concerned, the program takes cue from the Windows 8 Metro UI, implementing flat and colorful buttons while putting emphasis on simplicity. The welcome screen shows shortcuts to general, file and registry, and Internet browser tools, as well as reports and general settings. Each tile is accompanied by brief descriptions.
AdvancedUninstaller11.exe is part of Advanced Uninstaller PRO and developed by Innovative Solutions according to the Advanced. Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows. You can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface. The Installation Monitor included in the program can watch all the actions that a program performs on your computer while it installs.
Uninstall programs after studying their properties
A list is quickly populated with all installed applications, showing the most recent ones on top, in addition to the install date and architecture type (32- or 64-bit). Information gathered from the community is shown when clicking an entry to compute a reputation rating and give users a better idea of the program in question, whether it should be trusted or not. It is possible to add a personal rating and review.Additional properties may be examined to find out the app's publisher, version, last access data, size and uninstall string. What's more, users may resort to a search function to rapidly locate a specific program, refresh the list, change the viewing mode, and generate an HTML report with the list of all apps, versions, companies and websites.
After running a program's default uninstaller, the software tool scans the disk for leftover files and registry entries, giving users the possibility to select the items they want to remove while keeping the rest.
Monitor programs to eliminate all their traces
In order to increase accuracy when it comes to removing programs, it is possible to activate a monitor when first installing them on the computer, thus making a note of all files, folders and registry objects they will create. By using this snapshot at a later time, Advanced Uninstaller PRO compares the current and previous Windows state to identify and remove everything that belongs to the respective software tool. What's more, a program can be restored by taking into account the snapshot.Startup and service managers
Advanced Uninstaller PRO integrates a few extra utilities that come in handy for PC optimization and maintenance. For instance, it is possible to remove applications that automatically run at Windows startup in order to speed up boot time, but also to add new entries to the autostart sequence by specifying a program description and location.Furthermore, users can analyze currently running services and terminate any of them, as well as create and manage profiles with different service configuration settings, for example, for playing video games or ensuring OS security.
Quick and Start menu cleaners
Another tool of Advanced Uninstaller PRO is designed to remove unused or unnecessary files from Windows, web browsers and some third-party applications in the attempt to free up disk space and protect privacy, such as list of recently accessed documents in the Start menu, entire usage history in Internet Explorer, cookies and cached data for all profiles in Mozilla Firefox, together with search history and autocomplete information in Google Chrome. Plus, exact files can be removed for third-party programs by investigating their paths.Start menu elements are also prone for deletion, like desktop shortcuts and empty directories that clutter up the HDD (except for StartUp), while shortcuts indicating removable or network drives can be ignored. Advanced Uninstaller PRO runs a scan and lets users pick the objects they want to eliminate.
Font and Control Panel manager
Another useful feature is represented by the font manager. Users may consult a list with all installed fonts, double-click an entry to analyze its character set (with ASCII values and keystrokes assigned), as well as disable or remove font families from the computer (except those marked in red which belong to Windows). Disabled entries may be later re-enabled.Similarly, applets from the Control Panel can be organized by disabling any of them while having the possibility to enable them again later. Selected tools can be launched on the spot.
Find and remove duplicate files
Moving on to the file tools provided by this software application, it is possible to automatically identify duplicate files in a preferred drive or list of handpicked directories in order to remove them (while keeping the original items) to make room for additional files on the disk.As far as search settings are concerned, Advanced Uninstaller PRO can be asked to look for all types of files or only those matching a custom-made list with extensions, empty folders, and zero-length files. The results can be permanently removed from the computer or sent to the Recycle Bin. What's more, users can indicate file and folder exceptions, as well as define the file comparison mode by size, content, name and date/time. Settings can be restored to default.
Compress files to take up less space
Live file compression is another interesting feature of Advanced Uninstaller PRO, which basically compiles Windows files into smaller packages so that they take up less space on the disk. It particularly comes in handy to users with a small-sized HDD.By default, it compresses all files that have not been accessed in the last 30 days (including the Windows and Program Files directories), skips ZIP, RAR, AVI and MP3-formatted items, and skips a few important files and folders. However, users may change these settings. For example, it is possible to modify the last access frequency, include new special files, folders and file types to skip or remove current ones from the list, as well as exclude the Windows and Program Files locations.
Those who change their mind can later uncompress the files using Advanced Uninstaller PRO.
Shred files, folders and drives
Emptying the Recycle Bin or using the Shift+Delete key combination to remove files from the computer doesn't necessarily mean they cannot be later retrieved. Some developers have created sophisticated tools to accomplish this goal, so there is a risk that unauthorized users are able to get ahold of sensitive information when resorting to this traditional file deletion method.Advanced Uninstaller PRO integrates a special function capable of wiping files, folders and drives beyond recovery (or to at least make the retrieval job more difficult). It is possible to select the number of deletion passes (depending on the time spent waiting for the job to finish as well as the security level) between one, three and seven times. Disk space that is currently free but what was previously occupied with files may also be shredded to make sure the deleted files cannot be recovered.
Remove Windows temporary files
Another method for freeing up disk space is by getting rid of Windows temporary files that aren't actually being used by anyone. Advanced Uninstaller PRO rapidly generates a list with all temp files found, namely their name and drive path, along with total selected files and accumulated occupied space. They can be opened or removed with one click.Clean, optimize, back up and restore the registry
The Windows registry is the place that records all OS configuration files and other objects left behind by various software after uninstallation, so it is crucial to keep the registry clean and optimized at all times to maintain Windows stability.Before carrying out registry operations, it is recommended to save the current registry settings to file in order to restore them later if Windows starts experiencing stability issues.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO comes loaded with a registry cleaner capable of identifying invalid registry entries, such as programs that no longer start or Windows system files with issues. Users can select the types of registry problems to check (e.g. invalid IE toolbars, incorrectly registered ActiveX objects or BHOs), study the results list with the total errors in each category, and pick the items they want to eliminate.
The registry can be optimized in order for Windows and applications to access their settings faster. This procedure is done without configuration and with minimal user intervention. Once the task is completed, the program shows the current and optimized registry size, together with the reduction percent. A system reboot is required to finalize the job and will be performed automatically when clicking the 'Finish' button, so users should save any ongoing projects beforehand.
Internet browser tools and reports
Web browser traces can be cleared to protect privacy when sharing the computer with other people. It is possible to find out websites visited in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome to delete them, manage cookies, disable unnecessary add-ons and extensions to boost browser loading time, as well as to eliminate temporary files.Reports can be generated with detailed information about autostart applications, services, fonts, along with installed and monitored programs.
Program preferences
The splash screen at startup can be hidden, the Quick Cleaner can automatically run on program exit, while the app can be asked to check for software updates unattended. It is also possible to disable transition animations to improve performance, switch to another UI language, disable scanning for leftover files and registry entries after running an application's default uninstaller, as well as hide the rating panel. Settings can be restored to default.The Good
Advanced Uninstaller PRO worked well on Windows 8.1 Pro during our evaluation, without hanging, crashing or popping up error messages. OS compatibility extends to older Windows editions (until XP), both 32- and 64-bit architecture types.It supports multiple languages and includes help documentation. CPU and RAM consumption was generally low in our tests.
The utility is designed to completely remove installed programs, and that includes any leftover files and registry entries. However, Advanced Uninstaller PRO can also be seen as a PC optimization and maintenance suite, thanks to its wide range of practical utilities: a monitor for programs before installation to thoroughly remove them afterward, startup, font and Control Panel manager, cleaners for Start menu objects, Windows items, third-party applications and web browsers, duplicate file finder, live file compression tool, file shredder, Windows temporary files remover, registry cleaner, optimizer, backup creation and restoration tool, in addition to in-depth reports and numerous customization preferences for most of these utilities.
It is free to use.
The Bad
The program took a pretty long time to scan the disk for leftover files and registry entries. Likewise, it took a while to refresh the list with active services when togging the Windows-only mode.A feature we haven't previously mentioned is a 'Daily Health Check' tool that keeps track of all issues for each module in real time and which displays notifications. Advanced Uninstaller PRO does not say this when installing or running it, but it sets this component to automatically run at Windows startup without asking for permission beforehand, let alone give the user the option to disable this feature (can be later deactivated from the system tray).
An aspect deemed by most users as unfortunate and tricky is that Advanced Uninstaller PRO's setup file is filled with third-party components (which is normal for ad-supported applications), because it is very easy to unwillingly install those tools when rushing through the wizard stages.
The Truth
The bottom line is that Advanced Uninstaller PRO has a wide range of tools that are actually practical for PC users in addition to the thorough uninstaller and programs monitor. It definitely deserves your attention, especially since it's free.NOTE: You can also read our previous review for Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2006 7.5.3.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a freeware uninstaller software app filed under software install managers and made available by Innovative Solutions for Windows.
The review for Advanced Uninstaller PRO has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below. We have found that this software contains advertisements or other ad-supported elements during runtime.
If you would like to submit a review of this software download, we welcome your input and encourage you to submit us something!
Uninstall programs quickly and completely, remove toolbars, clean your registry
Advanced Uninstaller Pro Review
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the best uninstaller for Windows. You can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface. Advanced Uninstaller PRO contains all the tools you need to uninstall programs, speed up and fix your PC, protect your privacy, remove lots of annoying plugins, toolbars and browser hijackers that other uninstallers don't detect and remove.
Features and highlights
- Uninstall programs from 'General Tools' tab
- Installation monitor watches for new installations
- StartUp Manager allows and disallows programs from starting on boot
- Full control over Windows Services
- Quick Cleaner cleans registry of uninstalled software
- Start menu cleaner removes uninstalled programs still listed
- Font manager removes uninstalled fonts
- Disable or enable control panel items
Advanced Uninstaller PRO on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
Advanced Uninstaller Pro Download Windows 10
This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from software install managers without restrictions. Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12.22 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows 10 PCs but also without a hitch on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Though marketed as 'freeware', this download actually includes adware or something which resembles adware like toolbars or browser modifications.
Compatibility with this uninstaller software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup. A separate x64 version may be available from Innovative Solutions.
Advanced Uninstaller Pro Download
Filed under:Advanced Uninstaller Pro Safe
- Advanced Uninstaller PRO Download
- Freeware Software Install Managers
- Uninstalation Software