FL Studio is famed for its incredible piano roll, and the smooth functionality it has to offer. Seriously, just try putting in a couple of notes and you’ll be in love. When your Snap is set to '(none)' the Alt modifier will snap your items to the grid. When you have any other Snap value selected the Alt modifier will not snap your items to the grid. The Alt modifier does the opposite in each case allowing you to quickly access snapping or avoid snapping.
The secret volume control. A channel’s volume can be automated in the piano roll by right-clicking.
In FL Studio Piano Roll, there’s this very handy little feature called Stretch Handle. With it you can quickly ‘stretch’ your notes to make them fit to time. It comes very useful when you have a group of notes and you want to make them longer or shorter. For eg. if you have a group or sequence of notes and you want to make them all eg. twice as long (or shorter), just drag them with the Stretch Handle – no need to edit the notes one-by-one.

I’ve also found it very useful with live recordings as sometimes I want to record melodies to Piano Roll live with my MIDI keyboard without metronome or drum beat (just to detach myself from that 4-to-the-floor-machine-like-playing) and it’s a real savior when I want to make the recorded notes fit to time afterwards.
This is how you use the Stretch Handle:
In the Piano Roll, select some notes and when you do that, a little ‘circle’ appears after the selected notes. Left click and drag to stretch the selection. If you hold ALT while dragging, they notes will automatically snap to grid according to your snap-to-grid -settings.
That’s it. Very handy indeed 🙂

Fl Studio Notes Not Snapping Sound
Here’s a video: